Yes. New for 2018, we are introducing our new RGB control devices. replacing the TS001 will be, the TS003. The CH32 will also be upgraded to RGB to become the TS005. All of our integrated touch switches in microphones models, like the CS*S-RF series or the CRM 20*S-RF series, housing the TS002, will now be fitted with the TS004 RGB touch switch.
All Clockaudio control devices being upgraded with the color Blue, will now offer the possibility for 8 statuses, right out of the box (Off, Blue, Red, Green, Blue & Red, Blue & Green, Red & Green, and White (all on)). Essentially, with a PWM driver circuitry, you will be able to adjust the brightness of every color by 1/256th increments, making it possible to create any color in the spectrum.
Today’s young, trend-setting workforce is inspired and driven by changes and new tendencies. Tomorrow’s CEOs might prefer to see their own corporate colors on their control devices instead of the standard “Red for Muted” and “Green for On”. Or the touch switch could be programmed with different “modes”, like a GUI page, and easily identified with the use of different colors. Needles to say, the possibilities are endless.
With the right planning, and programming, an installation can make the user experience that much more intuitive and pleasant.